Promotion, Preservation, and Propagation of Camellias
The North Georgia Camellia Society is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation incorporated in the state of Georgia. We are an Affiliate Member of the American Camellia Society.
Our corporate address is:
North Georgia Camellia Society Foundation Inc.
533 Hollydale Court NW
Atlanta, GA 30342
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the Promotion, Preservation, and Propagation of Genus Camellia. We gather on a regularly at Bellmere Gardens and other locations depending on the program. Please check the Calendar for the latest meeting information and upcoming events.
During the year we conduct a number of special events including: Air Layering Demonstrations, Cuttings Swaps, our North Georgia Camellia Show, and Garden Tours.
For information about joining us please click on the Membership Page